Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Build a cabin for less than $4000

A good article from Mother Earth News on building a cabin with boards. The guy does a pretty good job of describing the process. There are just a few things I don't understand. Probably if I read it over and over again I would get it. The $4000 doesn't include plumbing, fixtures or electrical stuff. I guess you live by candle light or use solar electricity.

These guys say you can build a nice log home for under $10,000. I would check them out before I bought a log cabin kit.


  1. Damn a home that cheap, it cost $20,000 in the UK

  2. Hey David, want to join Informational Blog List? Come join. Get to and click on the eagle in the left sidebar. Hope to see you there.

  3. Anonymous7/22/2006

    Your site has a lot of interesting info, I'll be sure to check back often.

  4. This one is really small, but if you really want to save money you should Do It Yourself as an owner builder.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward for more like this. Also don't forget to see this external cabins suppliers in Mumbai
